速報APP / 工具 / Color Flashlight

Color Flashlight





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Color Flashlight(圖1)-速報App

In case of screen flashlight

· Brightness can be changed by sliding the screen up and down with your finger.

· Tap the screen twice to move to the SETTING screen.

Color Flashlight(圖2)-速報App

Setting screen

· You can change the color of the screen light.

· You can create color of screen light.

Color Flashlight(圖3)-速報App

· You can store up to 10 colors that created screen lights.

· You can switch to camera light mode by selecting [LED].

▢ [Brightness] : Screen Displays the brightness of the light in 6 levels

Color Flashlight(圖4)-速報App

▢ [Status Bar] : Display clock and battery

▢ [Screen Flash] : Flashing the Screen light

In case of camera flashlight

Color Flashlight(圖5)-速報App

· Press the button on the screen to light the flashlight.

· Flashlight can be switched between light, flashing 1, flashing 2.

· Move to the SETTING screen by tapping the place other than the button twice.

Color Flashlight(圖6)-速報App

· When starting this application, it will be started with settings just before closing this application. For example, when closing with the lighting state of the camera light, the next time it is started up, the camera light is activated and it starts up.

Color Flashlight(圖7)-速報App